Wednesday 11 May 2011

Zoey Says:

Also I came across an image that I found ages ago in some sort of publication and thought 'WOW! how did they get away with that' :
Jessica and Lisa Origliasso of the Veronicas recently appeared in an ad campaign for PETA in support of the organisation's anti-fur stance, with the pair saying they were motivated to do the shoot after watching videos of a Chinese fur farm. Jessica told press recently that the use of fur in the fashion industry is ignorant, unnecessary and unacceptable.
 "We don't want to be an ignorant generation, we want to inform people. We can be the generation that makes a difference."

I haven't found much information about it but if you like it I will do some more digging. I think its a perfect controversial image because it contains all the fashion elements of a fashion advert expect it is expressing the environmental harm of the industry regarding furs and the innocent animals that were killed so people can own such items. 

Again thoughts please :)

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