Tuesday 10 May 2011

Mike: Controversial Fashion Advertisements

Sex and fashion have long been intertwined. Sex and advertising – even longer. There have been many images created by advertising companies and fashion houses to sell products to us by shocking us. These controversial images sometimes work and more than often spark a debate or two on the way.

A few brands that are not strangers to using controversial advertising:

Sisley - 2001

Sisley has delivered consistently provocative ads for the better part of a decade. Whether it’s white residue in their model’s nose or mouth (see above), you can count on this Benetton Group company to push the envelope

Dolce and Gabbana:

Dolce and Gabanna - Jan 2007

Banned in Italy, This Dolce and Gabbana advertisement has been criticized for its 'glorification of gang rape'. whilst you can never be sure of the brands intent they have been well known for their shocking advertisements, the company’s penchant is for controversy.

Tom Ford:

The company's 2007 advertisements for Men's aftershave raised a few eyebrows. I personally think they're very clever adverts and play on the whole sexuality of the brand. i can see however why some people would find them offensive.

There is so much you can read into this advert when you look past the blatant sexuality of it whether it offends you or not. For example the red lips and nails. possibly signifying desire or passion. The womans skin is shinny or wet, this evokes feelings of passion again and heat. The womens mouth is open, which is a very sexual/submissive thing to show in an advertisement when linked with context of the image. When you begin to look into the signs of the image you can see a lot more about it. Pretty much all of Tom Ford's adverts have an overtly sexual nature to them, here a few more examples:


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